HUGE SKIES full of light and dark and wintering and wondering crown the granite tors of Dartmoor this November, as the mists creep in; and I return here, nearly a year on from my last post, with apologies again for this quiet, and some small pieces of artwork and news for you.
Much has happened this past year, and in time I may craft some reflections from it all. Our family is well, and our beautiful boy grows and roves and laughs through his third year on earth, stretching our hearts bigger by the day. Soon, I hope to be blogging again, in a fresh new space, but for now - here's tell of the things in my basket at the moment:
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The Storyteller - Advent Calendar by Rima Staines - available here |
Firstly, here's The Storyteller Advent Calendar - a new creation of mine in watercolour. She - wise old witchwoman, tatooed and furred, sits in a snowbound place, beside a fire, her words and hands weaving magics in the cold air as folk and creatures gather round to hear. What are the stories she is telling? Well, behind the doors, as you open them throughout advent, you'll find objects from many of our favourite folktales. If you can guess all the stories, you could win an A3 signed giclée print of this painting (without the numbers). Here's where you can buy a calendar for yourself - we're very proud of this, and I don't think you'll find an advent calendar like it anywhere else in the world!
The painting is also available as a print here.
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Wolfmother by Rima Staines - available here |
Another new piece created on scratchboard this year - Wolfmother - shows a wintery scene of a huge mother wolf nurturing a village, and singing Russian lullabies in the snow...
Баю-баюшки-баю, Не ложися на краю. Придёт серенький волчок, Он ухватит за бочок И утащит во лесок Под ракитовый кусток. |
Bayu-bayushki-bayu, Ne lozhisya na krayu. Pridyot serenkiy volchok, On ukhvatit za bochok I utashchit vo lesok Pod rakitovy kustok. |
Baby, baby, rock-a-bye On the edge you mustn't lie Or the little grey wolf will come And will nip you on the tum, Tug you off into the wood Underneath the willow-root. |
This is available as a 7"x5" print in our Hedgespoken Press emporium, in fact all my prints are now available over there instead of etsy. This should make ordering our books, mp3s, posters and advent calendars alongside prints much easier, as well as saving you a bit on postage and packing. (DO go and see the other delights we have there - Tom's widely travelled and loved poem Sometimes A Wild God with illustrations by me is available as a book, a poster and an mp3. And as a thank you to you all for supporting us, you can enter the code WELCOME-TO-HEDGESPOKEN to get 10% off your order until Sunday November 19th 2017!
And Tatterdemalion - this wondrous collaborative creation of Sylvia Linsteadt's and mine, which you've surely heard about by now is also available there - in the special or trade editions. I urge you to read it if you have not yet - it will change you, undo and redo you; inside it you will root and shatter, mourning and enchanted, wholly othered.
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Pages from Sanctum |
Sylvia and I have collaborated again recently - in the margins of the latest publication from The Dark Mountain Project. Sanctum is an exquisitely beautiful book about ideas of sacredness from many perspectives. All the artwork has been made on vellum parchment created from the skin of roadkill deer. Sylvia writes about the creation of our marginal earthen-voiced sibylline interjection here.
And last but not least, there are two opportunities to see my work this winter - firstly in a joint exhibition at Lowton Farm in mid Devon - CURIO - where I will be sharing a beautiful timber framed barn-gallery space with five other amazing artists. There will be automata from Fi Henshall, ceramic sculpture from Claerwen Gillespie, Printmaking and drawing from Sarah Coomer, metal and wood creations from EC Osborne, and wonders in wood and bark and light and water from Jack Oakley. Do come along if you can. It's on for a week from November 18-26, open every day from 10-3, there's ample parking, and there'll be plenty of tea and homemade cake!
And then at the start of December I'll be joining my old comrades at the Chagford Winter Artisan Fayre - which is always a very lovely event.
I can't believe how the wheel of the turning years finds me here again at this potent dark time, trying to weave together all the threads of my life as we step out on our road - travelling, homing, creating, learning, mothering, partnering, living, loving, changed and yet the same.
Blessings of this hearth-season on you all, too, wherever your roads lead you...
always happy to see you pop in here!
awaiting my advent looks so lovely. I cherish all the beautiful artworks of yours that grace my walls or desk. I look forward to puzzling out the fairytale objects in the storyteller pictures!
brightest of hearth-fire time blessings to you, too.
Blessings to you and yours.
It is heartening to see your work going from strength to strength
I lean more to the Celtic Year, starting with Samhain. Life starts with the sown seed in the dark earth, getting ready for the Spring growth.
Like small treasures to stumble upon, I'm always happy to read your words and see your wonderful art. Good wishes like dandelion puffs floating from Melbourne, Aust across the seas to fall like snowflakes upon you and yours.
SO glad to hear some news from your wonderful world dear Rima...though tonight I can hardly see to read due to a nasty Flu that's got me gripped, I'll read more tomorrow or the next day when it lets me go, meanwhile sending real love in the virtual to you and yours.
So glad to see what you have been doing. Your work is amazing and I look forward to your continuing the blog. Wish I wasn't so far away, I would love to visit the craft fairs.
Best of luck and happiness,
It's always so wonderful to see a post from you. What a richness of living you are doing! Many blessings from the sunshine and birdsong of Aotearoa.
There you are. :)
Love your new work, especially Wolfmother, it's such a powerful image. It's so good to see you back blogging again, I look forward to your new blog!
Happy Hearth-Season to you!
Jess xx
your wolfmother is amazing! i see it is sold out. bah! i must have one!
any chance?
i deeply admire your works.
aka, the wildmatryoshka@
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