AND there for you is the story of Once Upon O'Clock number four, just completed and inspired by the beautiful words and pictures of the recipient ~ illustrator and writer Jackie Morris. She told me the things she loved: ice bears, ginger cats, hares, moons and many other things, and she sent me her wonderful stories to read.

If you are not already familiar with Jackie's work, do wander over to her website where she keeps a fantastic studio journal and her cat blog where her three ginger cats tell just lovely tales. This clock has already ballooned its way over to the Welsh coast to hang on Jackie's wall.. I must say, it was a task both daunting and delightful to make a commissioned clock for a fellow artist, and such a talented one at that. I think she likes it ;) And now I am about to start number five, a clock for another artist who uses words and images, but in quite a different way.
In the meantime .. in its entirety .. "We Three & The Moon Balloon" ...

I wandered along throught the clock's story and delighted in the making process......
What a brilliant idea for a clock!
I read this with wonder, admiration, and desire! And, with my mouth ajar! Rima, it's simply gorgeous.
Rima - you are one of my favorite creative heroes! I am always enchanted by your blog and art offerings. Again - wow.
I was beginning to guess for whom this was. And by the time you used the word "ginger" I was sure it was for Jackie!
Lucky woman!
the clock and it's unfolding story are just beautiful, you are a genius. Your clocks will go down in history, I am sure.
Jackie's work is wonderful also, I have some of her old card designs stored away in my box of treasures.
what a moon!!! what a bear! what a cat! you continue to amaze me with your perception of images that seemed familiar, but with you take they seem different and new:) love it
The clock is full of Rima magic, & the story makes it all the more entrancing!
How beautiful and wonderful! Your clocks have all been simply stunning and I can't wait to see what you have lined up for your next one!
Much love from beside Old Father Thames.
What a lovely creation. I love seeing how you interweave your talents with the sensibilities of your patrons/clients.
Lucky we are indeed to have such a beautiful clock on the wall. It has taken a while but we now know that one of the most precious things we have is time. We treasure our clock and we treasure time and we also say many thanks to Rima for a thing of beauty.
Love from Jackie and the gingercats ( and me and me, said Rosie)
What a fabulous design! I long for one myself, especially with the cat on it! Beautiful work Rima.
Oh my God, What a story teller and artist you are, Rima. Supreme. The supreme teller to me.
A wonderful tale of a wonderful clock. The first thing I thought of when I saw that ginger cat was Jackie's three ginger cats.
Wonderful to watch an artist at work too. I can write, but not do all the things you do Rima.
I revelled in this wonderful post Rima, in fact I'm going to enjoy it all over again - you just watch me!x
Lucky Jackie Morris and her cats ! This is just so lovely, Rima. I want to go away and dream about the adventures those three creatures are going to have in their magical balloon !
Oh Rima, so beautiful! I can't wait until my turn comes up on the clock list. And in the meantime, I enjoy my oatmeal so much more when I am eating it from my "fish that pulled the house" bowl!
wonderful clock and thank you for sharing its process as a tale!
Not only is the end result beautiful but the telling of the tale was beautiful as well. What a wonderful, magical way of showing us your process of creating this gorgeous piece. Thank you so much for sharing that and doing so in such a smile-inducing manner!
Oh Rima, you have outdone yourself. The little faces, all four of them, just pull at my heartstrings. The hare is my favourite. Truly beautiful, and beautifully told too. As always...
Oh my! Oh my! Shouts to The Bear who lives with me, "Come and see, come and see."
But woe is me, he said Australian Customs would not let in that gorgeous slice of wood. I wonder on what Rima could paint a clock for me?
oh rima....i read this aloud to my little ones in bed...we cuddled around my laptop and they loved and hung on to every word and were delighted by your enchanting pictures on the clock...my oldest wants one of course....he is convinced it comes to life at night and flies...thank you for that good night gift!!! xoxo lisa
I can't wait to watch you create your book !
Lots of love from another ginger cat ;)
so lovely :)) !
Thank you for sharing the tale behind the clock. Beautiful! I love your clocks. I hope someday, somehow, I might have one of my own!
Hi Rima,
I have done a little Etsy favourites showcase on my site with your shop, hope you like it.
Completely magical! x
Rima !
It's Pixie from enchantedgypsy .Thank you for the comment on our blog. It is funny you should write as we were just recently speaking about you and showing your blog, rig and art to a friend. Moss and I are in complete awe of your artwork. I believe you will go down in history as one of the greatest artists of the century. Your rig is comming along VERY nicely and yes when Moss, Sage and I make it out of this country one day and tour Europe, It would be lovely to meet with you ! We have plans to make a smaller rig we could take over sea.
Depending on how the current presidential election goes, this may happen sooner than later........
a beautiful clock Rima, how lovely to see it from tree to finished art..
exquisitely delightful, thx rima :)
Everything you do and touch is beautiful and special.
I loved the way the story unfolded in your post...brilliant.
I always feel that I have been on an adventure when I come here.
It was a pleasure to have found your blog a couple of weeks ago, However, this latest post is something else. Showing the process as a story is just wonderful. Kids ask for their favourite stories over and over again. I have enjoyed this one many times already this week. Thanks for a lovely inspiring blog. S x
Thank you thank you lovely people all :) Chuffed you liked story and clock. As always, a joy to read everyone's kind words.
X Rima
Rima, oh dear each of your works becomes my new favorite. the sweet enchanting faces of the animals and moon, the feeling of being swept away and time not mattering. Magical as always!
Oh Rima, how wonderful. One of the most moving blog posts I have ever read. The clock is simply adorable. How proud Jackie must be. I must buy one before you join the ranks of those oh too expensive artists!
Delightful x 100!!!!! no, 1000... no, much more than that!!!
Thank You, Rima... you have such a gift...
I found you via Jacques (Gypsy Cafe), nagging me to come look at your artwork.
He's right - you have an amazing talent.
This summer we went to Stonehenge and watched a hare dancing in the field next to it. Personally - the hare was more enchanting and exciting.
I love your clocks. The North bear made me think of the directions of the Native American Medicine Wheels. I'd love to see what you'd create with the idea of wheels of the year/medicine wheels.
Always amazing! I just adore you Rima. Your talent continues to astound me. I love visiting you, if only in your blog. :o) Amy
wow, that was beautiful, thank you.
That is just enchanting and I am dying to have another clock. Rima this is just magical, I am so honored to have one of your creations.
I'm looking for a word or words to describe this, but all I can think of is "wow!"
Oh, Rima. Your work makes me want to talk to it. I have your print of musicians in winter hanging above my keyboard. It's like having my own band to join in.
This is just fantastic! I loved watching the process in story form. I think this clock is so wonderful. I so enjoy your art. It tempts me to try something new.
Your work is pure genius Rima. I absolutely love this clock. Could you please tell me how much it would cost to commission a clock from you to be sent to Melbourne? I would love a little piece of wild, fey and Scots for myself - to remind me of the home I am so far away from. Could you let me know please? Thanks (info@thedivinefeminine.com.au)
Wow, the mind boggles . . .
Enchanting ands fantastic.
what a old old soul you are rima.
What an enchanting way to tell the story of your process. I am inspired by your work.
I was sitting with my coffee a couple days ago and letting my imagination go into your painting of the little elves in the meadow (it's a bit of a meditation painting for me, thanks for that;) and after I thought, "I will go see what Rima is doing in etsy." What wonder I found. Loved that. So, then noticed mention of once upon a clock and gasped with delight to have such synchronicity, for I just finished The Clockwork Three. It is a wonderful book and fills the mind with the wonder of nature and clockwork and connectedness. Dreamy time. Now, here I am to see these clocks...my darling four children kept me busy until now, hee hee. They are more than I dreamt they would be. Blessed art friend. Blessed. Great work. Off I go to find more of your clocks. Take care dear.
Oh! and I forgot! I found the loveliest dear, Terri Windling, looking at your etsy. She is a light being to be sure. She popped by my blog after I told her so. So, thanks for that, as well. Blessings.
Inspirational Rima, as I read your clock creation story, I was reminded of the beautiful images of Jackie Morris (who introduced me to your blog). Are you still taking clock commissions? They are all so beautiful.
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