PHEW! What a gargantuan journey of a mountain we have just climbed, and here, now, on the eve of our departure we sit with aching bodies and creaking minds and half mad smiles on our grubby faces.
Apologies for my quietness here of late.. this really has been a huge upheaval for us. We have felt like we've been gestating for months in a wooden sawdusty womb, elbowing for room between boxes of stuff and now this week we have been born. For all the romance of our adventure, it has been such a struggle getting to this point. There have been tears and black clouds, deep snow and ice, worries upon worries, mechanical complications and utter physical and mental exhaustion.
The animation is finished at long last and it is lovely.. and so a couple of weeks ago I climbed down the ladder from the attic where I had been living to launch myself into frenzied packing and chucking. How on earth I have accumulated so much stuff I do not know.. and it is hard being brutal when you are sentimental. Nevertheless, a houseful of chattels has had to be shrunk to fit inside a vehicle. Every time I go the local shop to buy biscuits they ask after our progress and the conversation continues between them... "could you fit everything you own into a horsebox?" "Pfrrfffffffftt! No Way!"

The MOT was a third time lucky affair, only failing for one small thing, but causing a week of worry and running about and back again. We finally have the all important piece of paper and thanks to Andy whose help was such a support. We have now been able to fill up Tui's beautiful creation with the nest of things that make a home.
Over the last few days we have been bringing our beloved truck outside the house and laying a pathway of mats across the ice from door to door. Gradually we have filled cupboards and drawers and hung pictures and bells. On each and every hook and corner there sits a little piece of colour, a little tail of our tale.
And so tomorrow is a day of house cleaning and then we're off.. somewhat later than planned, but such is life. We should manage a day or two of picture selling amongst the Christmas crowds and after that we'll just follow our noses. A wee while back we received a beautiful gift handstitched in red on white by Ciara to wish us well on our road. It is a moomin-inspired delight and I was touched indeed. Thank you Ciara.. it will grace our wooden walls and make us smile :)

This blog will continue on the road, but there will be a bit of tumbleweed blowing past here in the next weeks... we haven't organised mobile power and internet yet and until we do, blogs and emails will be restricted to internet cafes en route.
Now.. just before I go, I wanted to be cheeky and invite ourselves round for tea :) You see we have many lovely little spots dotted about the country where we park for a night or two and wake to the twittering of birds. These places are perfect for the way we flit from town to town selling pictures, but if we stay longer then we're sure to get a knock on the door from some men in uniforms. So, my cheeky question to all you lovely UK blog wanderers is ... do you have or know of a leafy spot where a beautiful Bedford and its two inhabitants could park for a few weeks at a time and not bother a soul?
Ideally a corner of a farm or similar rural setting would suit us best. We don't want to step on anyone's toes or doorsteps and wish to keep our hermitdom as well as giving others plenty of space. Really if the spot was not near any houses, that would be splendid. Obviously we'd be extremely quiet and tidy and wouldn't dream of accruing piles of scrap metal or other unsightlies. Indeed we'd be willing to keep watch, scare crows or sweep leaves or similar in return for a small spot of earth to park our house for a while. There would be a kettle on the boil for you too :)

We have a problem near London because of the new low emissions zone around the M25 which seems specifically designed to exclude Bedford TK horseboxes built in 1976. So visiting my family will mean finding a more Kentish spot as a base.
Living in a vehicle in the UK, especially England, is not an easy thing to do unless you keep moving. Scotland, where there is more expanse of nature, is easier. But I would like to try to see if by joining an old rolling wooden cabin with the wonders of 21st century communications technology, we might be able to bypass the usual prejudice and bother that comes with a travelling way of life. We don't want to get in anyone's way.. but no doubt we'll come across folk who would rather we weren't there. So if we can get an OK here and there, perhaps our wanderings might intrigue rather than strike fear and people in corners of the country can enjoy a cup of tea with us and a tale or three. If you think you might know of a place drop me a little mail to the address over there.. Thank you :)

Here for you to see are some peeks inside our newly born house. There are two new portholes and some copper behind the fire (my tiles fell off!), there's a wooden edge to the bedroom that I made, another window and many many other lovely nicknacks. Tui has been sanding off the nasty old brown paint on the outside and has nearly defeated it all.. so now it has a patchworky woodenness to it that I love. For a while the truck leaned a bit due to my books residing on just one side of it.. the lean has been righted now by a rearranging. What a wonder our house on wheels is! And we are nearly too frazzled to see it, but I think we have a sneaking suspicion that we'll realize in a few days what it is that we've done.
Last but certainly not least I want to stand on a hill and say a loud and sincere thank you to my Tui for building us such a beautiful and heartfelt home, the like of which I have never seen in my life before. I cannot wait to spend days of wanderings in it, to look outside at the new and turning world passing by our windows, and to sit by a fire together in smoke in the forest smelling the rustlings of other places ... ♥
Cheerio!! .....

I am right beside you ... x
Have the safest of journeys
The (rare) sunshine on your faces
Pennies in your pockets
And inspiration and hope in your hearts!
Travel well!
Michelle x
Honestly Rima, all I can say is amazing. I think you and Tui are doing something we would all like to do. Brightest blessings to you both!
Oh Rima, my heart is bursting for you! You did it! All I can say is I am in awe, entranced (the romance of it!), and slightly green...
Here's to many moons of wandering on friendly by-ways. And if you ever venture over the sea then please to call our way. The kettle will most surely be on.
Love Ciara, Finn, and our menfolk, (big and small) xxxxxx
happy safe and keep those of us want to bes in your a little each day for us.
Safe and happy journeying and a very Merry Christmas!
i, myself, have little doubt that a similar contraption will feature heavily in the next "bond" film.
off you go, then :)
love to both
Blessed, blessed travels to you and Tui! I can't wait to hear what awaits you on that long and lovely road.
As someone very wise said: „Every dream is given to us with the power to make it come true.” Enjoy your journey and good luckkkkkkkkkk!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Much love to you both. k
Happy travels to you and your wonderful home-on-wheels!
If I was still living there I am sure I could find you a spot.
Safe travels, Rima.
I'm standing on my doorstep, waving madly, calling "Drive safely! Have many adventures!" just like my mother.
What a wonderful adventure! Hope you have a safe and delightful journey.
*tear* I'm so excited for you. I've been following along for some time and am completely wrapped up in your adventure. I can think of a thousand perfect places for you to stop and watch the world, but all of them are in Canada (B.C.), where I'm from. The traveling life would be so much easier for you there - more space and less restrictions. But it will be perfect, no doubt.
Have a safe and pleasant journey. What an adventure you are going on! I'll check with my English friends to see if they might know of a location for you to stop awhile. They can contact you directly via email.
Be safe, be well and free from the dim-witted prejudices of the settled.
I am trying to think of somewhere, near here, but at present, can't think of anywhere. I will ask around and see if anywhere in Leicestershire can be found.
I shall try in the meantime to find a tale to the spoon-eared child, the Coffee pot and Hiding the Hedgehog.
My gosh, I guess you're on your way by now! All the planning and overcoming the setbacks has been worth it...and your next episode of life's adventure has started.
Good luck to you both, enjoy all that embraces you, and you them. :)
If you do get here before reaching London...if you're aiming at the Dartford Crossing, you should be emission free on the M25, just the toll to pay!
I wish the very best for you both on your travels. I cannot imagine a more beautiful wheeled home. My only wish is that I could offer you a small piece of land to share in your adventures! I look forward to hearing about them. The brightest of blessings for your travels.
Looks great! Too bad I don't live in the UK, I sure would love to have you for neighbours for a while!
I'll pass the word around to my UK friends just in case.
Rima and Tui, your new home is just beautiful and I send you all my very best wishes for a safe and happy life on the road. You are fulfilling a dream many of us have - may you both be very happy. I wish I could offer you a space to park but Australia is just out of reach of the Bedford I feel. I'm moving too but into a much more ordinary life, though I hope there will be lots of creativity for me too. Have a wonderful Christmas and a great 2009.
May your road rise up to meet you......
Safe and happy wanderings.
If you were coming to Australia, we'd find a spot for you up here in our eucalyptus forest.
I've been following your posts for the last few months and I haven't yet said hello... but I can't resist at least wishing you well on your journey. It makes me so happy to know there are two lovely people out exploring in their charming home-on-wheels! I am completely inspired by what you've accomplished and absolutely thrilled for all the lovely things that I'm sure are awaiting you just down the road.
The very best of luck to you both,
Beautiful and sacred! Wandering poetry: "we'll realize in a few days what it is that we've done."...again, and again and again. :) hurrah!
Best Wishes for your journey. I look forward to looking in on your blog and seeing how you are doing.
Michelle Wd.
It is really happening :0) Sorry we can't have you on our street, I thin the Bedford wouldn't like the transAtlantic swim.....
XOXO to both.
Happy travels to you. Your new home is a wondrous creation "Congratulations"
If you were traveling in the would be most welcome to park on my land...what great neighbors you would make. My Icelandic Christmas Elves would love to visit your house on wheels...I promise that they would not make much mischief...I hope ;)
I admire your courage and sense of adventure.
oh, it's just beautiful! your new home is amazing, it has so warm atmosphere. you must feel a real freedom with a mobile house!
have a nice trip and be careful! cheers :)
This is so amazing, I wish you the bestest of best things.
You could think about joining WWOOF ( if you were willing to do a little labour for a place to stay from time-to-time.
I just have this vision that one day I'll be driving down a lane somewhere and I'll see a wooden house go sailing along in the other direction!
how simply spectacular! reading your post made me smile sooo much! best of luck and have fun with your travels! it sounds to be a very special house, fit for two special people! enjoy! i look forward to your sporadic updates!! ooh, and thanks lots for the other books which got here with you beautiful postcard, now gracing the window of our sideboard. if you have an address where post can be sent to, and if you wouldn't mind, please let me know, i'd like to send you over a little lino christmas card to say thanks!
all the best once again
Best of luck Rima and Tui. May all your travels be safe and happy ones. Sorry I can't think of places for you to stay for a few weeks on your route. The only place which sprang to mind was Cymdu in Wales-Teepee Valley, but it's probably quite a way out of your way.
Dear Rima and Tui, your moving nest on wheels is completely delightful, charming, cosy and looks as if it will be a perfect nest for inspiring all kinds of creativity!! I love all the little touches you've added, and the candles and oil lamps make it so peaceful and comforting. If I lived on your pathway you would be very welcome to stay as long as you'd like, but unfortunately I'm too far away! All the very best, wishing you a very Happy Christmas and New Year filled with many happy and peaceful adventures! Love, Lori H.
in my days of wandering,
one never said "good-bye".
a heartfelt, hopeful "down the road" were the words exchanged.
for the all the joy of adventure, leavings can be sentimental, bittersweet.
you have done well, you two.
and rima, the new "winter-sprite" photo of you is ever lovely and charming!
so, "down the road!!", wherever that road may lead,
in this world and others....
My dears, I'm wishing you lovely travels and shady byways to rest...and may a mamma say a few words of caution?
Watch your fires carefully and don't forget good ventilation!
Hello Rima,
I know you probably won't get this for a while, but I wanted to drop in and let you know that I received the book you sent today. It is in perfect condition, and I can hardly wait to crack it open. Enjoy the first few days of your journey, and thanks so much for sharing it with the rest of us! ~Lauren
bon voyage!! good luck & all safe and magic with you. if you could drive to the states, i have plenty of land for you to park on! alas!
Too bad you can't put your horse carriage on a boat and come to the states. I have room in my woods and would bring hot chocolate every day!
Rima, if only all 'travelling home owners' were more like you.
I genuinely wish you guys well on your journey & if I come across any place that may be suitable for a stay in our corner of the country I shall let you know!
I would rather it was you guys parked in our local carpark than the people that have currently taken it over, fencing off almost half, & filling it with rubbish & unfriendly snarls in response to my Husband's cheery greeting!
I hope you find friendly people & beautiful places on your travels!
May you have a safe journey, soft breeezes, and friendly faces.
Rima, the two of you lead a dream life!
How cozy your little cabin-on-wheels is! Thanks so much for sharing the progress of this, each week I have been looking forward to your updates and images. I hope your painting can resume too because I look forward to that as well. Beautiful life.
What a cozy nest on wheels! It is truly amazing home sweet home, I adore it! I'd offer a place for you to park, but unfortunately, I'm on the other side of the big pond! Happy trails to you!
The best of journeys to you! How wonderful. I wish I lived in the UK in a green and leafy spot so I could offer you a peaceful week or two. What a lovely little home you two have built. A blessed wee hermitage, verily!
may your journey be safe, your adventures bold
Rima! What a wonderland you have - a place to perch as you travel among the stars... Tui is a master of hearths! Bon Voyage and happy journeys! If you were on this side of the pond, I'd let you sit on my front porch as long as you desired! Looking forward to hearing about your new life!
Sincere best wishes on your adventure in your beautiful home on wheels. May you have a Merry Christmas, wherever you find yourselves :)
Kim x
Sadly, not living in the UK, I have no plot of land to offer. However if you ever decided to convert the Bedford TK horseboxes into a boat and sail to Canada, please look me up!
Enjoy your adventure!
Merry Christmas!
Congratulations for your blog and your style and drawings. They are very tender
Bon voyage. Our hearts go with you!
Love from Pamela, and Edward too!
Best of luck on your travels!! :)
Enelya xxx
wishing you wonderful travels!!
j'espere que u n'as pas trop froid et que tu vas toujours nous emmerveiller
all the best
Wow, what a wonderful home! How blessed you are!
Woooohooooo~ Congrats you two, the biggest, most heartfelt wishes of happiness and magic ahead. Your home is beautiful~ You are an absolute inspiration to all. Looking forward to your "On the Road Blog."
Solstice Blessings to you~
You guys are an absolute inspiration. Things will no doubt be a struggle at times, but is that any different than life lived in any other way? I hope that more often than not the romance of what you are doing permeates your hearts and your rolling home and I look forward to the glimpses you give us into your many adventures to come. May Christmas be very special for you both and I wish you all the best as you roll, literally and figuratively, into the new year.
Your house on wheels is pure enchantment. I wish you all the very best on this exciting adventure.
Safe journey and many adventures Rima and Tui, you are two brave and magical people, talented in a thousand different ways, I think your home on wheels is beautiful. Watch out for pot-holes there are bound to be a few..tho' never fear your indomitable spirit will see you through. A very Merry Christmas to you, I shall think of you in your wonderful home on Christmas morning!
happy wanderings, my Dears...
Your journey has only begun...
I am so happy you finally made it, and I am slightly envious! I wish you the very best, exciting and lovely adventures around. And whenever you come to Finland... I will put the kettle on for you if you happen to drive our way!
Another canadian here- if you ever make it to BC you could park here!
Good luck and happy trails!
It's somehow comforting to know there are people like you around who haven't been swept away in this world of commercialism. It's a shame that for most of us we are confined within strictly defined borders. We are ever increasingly bar-coded, cross referenced, lined up or shuffled according to the dictates of officialdom.
No pressure, but you and Tui are the torch bearers for the downtrodden masses:¬)
If you are ever in the Cornwall area I'd love to see you. My father-in-law owns a farm down here on the coast adjacent to Lands End. But the lane is a bit pot-holed. Maybe I could talk him into adding a bit more concrete:¬)
a step...
season's blessings to you and yours :D
Dear Rima,
I just discovered your wonderful blog a few weeks ago. You are totally awesome and inspiring! I even shared the blog with my husband, because I think it is so neat. I just have one quick question, mainly because I have not read your entire blog yet. Is your home on wheels your permanent home now or is it just temporary in order to sell your art?
Good luck!
Oh Rima, we shall miss you so much. Do try and pop into those internet cafes when you can.
Your home is an inspiration. So colourful and cosy. Do have a wonderful time and enjoy every step of the way. I'm sure you will.
As for little wayside stopping places, if you ever get to County Clare, Ireland, we have 5 acres where you could park - if you could get the lorry up our lane....
Love and hugs and good luck and everything you could ever wish for.
Oh, MY! Just SO beautiful and magical! People dream of such things, but YOU TWO have DONE IT! So inspiring. Thank you for being doers of your imaginations!
And, my precious treaures of your hand arrived yesterday! They were meant as gifts, but I'm not sure I can part with them - they are exquisite. I am so happy! Thank you! I'm so so so grateful I stumbled into your blog world. What a gift you have been to my heart!
I expect people will be thrilled to meet you on your travels!
And, were you rolling along through Minnesota, U.S., you would be very welcome here!
Have a wonderful Magical Mystery Tour!!!
To be young and daring and full of life! I love it. You guys are my heros. Have a wonderful holiday season, however you may celebrate.
Like minded folks:
We rent a small ptch, so I can't offer you a space, but can offer you a visit (will bring shortbread) if you're ever up in North East Scotland. :-)
I'm going to pass your details on to all the folk I know in the UK, in case anyone knows anyone who has land a small horsebox would fit tidy on.
Wishing you every Christmas/Yule blessing.
Oh, and when you have the time - go look at the sculptor's work. I think you'll like him.
What a SHEER delight to find your blog. I wish you the best it settling in, in traveling, in enjoying your hermitdom. Thanks for sharing it with others.
Cheerio! May your journeying be safe and prosperous! Let me know if you venture down to middle-england and pop in for a spot of tea! x V.
Oh lovely Journies to you both, what a beauty of a home, many happy miles to you. If you get down to cornwall give a piraty yell and I will come bearing saffron cake and tales of piskies. Happy trails.
Oh happy and magical travels. And may you find many safe havens to land.
I just droped by to wish you a Merry christmas and your on the rode.I hope you find safe haven wherever you stop.I don't think I could fit all my stuff either,And its hard to pick the things that must go,thats sad in itself.Anyway I wish you a safe and happy journey and the best for the New Years.Hugs Marie Antionette
You truly capture our imaginations and then take them in your little pocket with you on your adventures. I hope you find safe haven wherever you rest your heads and smooth roads wherever your Bedford takes you. Merriest of Christmas and Happiest of Holidays.
Lisa & Alfie
Merry Christmas!
I came by to express thanks, again, to you, this Christmas Eve - I am listening to a live radio broadcast from England, right now, wondering where you are, now, on your travels! I have said it before, but, it's Christmas Eve, and on this day I want to thank you again for the great hope you've re-placed in my heart and vision about living life creatively and freely. I admire you and Tui, and know that this is a life that does not come without vision, dedication, work, persistence, resilience, determination, perseverance, cheerfulness in bad circumstances...and more. It is a life lived largely and your doing it has inspired hope and joy for me. You are a treasure. I thank you for you, for your work, for your kind generosity. You are a blessing.
Merry Christmas!
Rima! May your traveling Christmas find you happy and warm, and your New year be filled with all you wish!
Hugs and Kisses
Merry Christmas & good luck on your travels and I wish you every happiness in your new life. Sadly I do not have the land but a warm welcome is always here for you if you ever travel to Cornwall....Hugs Chrissy x
Rima your Bedford is amazing, I am just in the process of kitting out my Bedford,its away having a few mechanically things sorted,but I am collecting some wonderful things to go in her including two lovely pieces of your Etsy artwork (thank you so much )they will take pride of place in my lorry. I also have a round window to put in my lorry,small world hey?Happy travelling
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