YESTERDAY'S FOGGY misty moisty morning brought an interesting box all the way from Utah.. and inside I found this - a delightful box of handmade beads, sent to me by an admirer of my paintings ~ Sharon Bourke, who makes these lampwork beads and gives them to friends and strangers and leaves them in nooks and crannies on walks to be happened upon by passersby.
A delightful treasure-trove to arrive on our doorstep on this grey day. The beads are made by heating coloured glass rods in a flame and wrapping the molten glass round a steel rod to make the hole. Centrifugal force keeps the beads spherical and mysterious chemical reactions between the different colours produce the one-off jewel-like results.
She enclosed a quote too:

Meanwhile I have been busy with the mystery painting.. which I am very happy with still, despite some struggles involving painting green glass ... anyhow it is almost done and those of you expecting a little surprise in the post'll be receiving something soonish. The dastardly hard drive people are making me wait even longer while they source parts from America apparently...
I am still expecting the worst.
Ho hum... time to light the fire.
I think that this Tui fella has made a handsome job of persuading that really expensive honduran pitch pine to sit gently in the front of our house :)
I look forward to my copy of the mystery painting in the post ( even though I can see it over there on your desk :) ...
x tui x
I think that this Tui fella thinks you are great and is a lot in love with you too
x a kiss, there x
The fella named Tui seems is surely crazy in love with you. Nice quote about the beads, beads are so easy to fall into and stay awhile (or more).
Oh dear! Your Hard drive! Does that include your film? I once spent 12 days slowly coaxing the hard drive of an old VIAO laptop to give me back my the edited footage of my friends wedding. Damnable Technologies! Touch wood... no offence PC... please don't do that to me again.
I'll keep my fingers crossed for you.
Also, as handsome as the expensive honduran pitch pine looks, it sure would look smashing stored under a Rima painting. Indeed it would.
Watch wonderful beads. I'm a grade A magpie so I sat here for a few minutes quite mesmerized.
Your movable home is going to be so exciting! Amazing what you can find on Ebay.
Martha and I collect 'trade beads' that were used to trade with North American Indians. However, our collection has grown to world-wide proportions.
This is a nice post. I enjoyed it a lot, and yes, don't look at a bead too closely or it will go home with you.
Come visit anytime,
Troy and Martha
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