THE FIFTH CLOCK is done! Here for you to see is my newest Once Upon O'Clock creation ~ a clock for narrative jeweller Nina Bagley, who asked for reds and rooftops and moon and moth, because moths have been visiting her rather a lot lately. I also decided to include some text in this one. I am fond of entwining words around my images and thought it appropriate for this one since Nina puts words inside her jewellery. I hunted for suitable moth poems and found just a few.
The words that curl out of the moon's pipe smoke and chimney are from the T.S. Eliot poem The Burnt Dancer about a moth. O danse mon papillon noir is the refrain ... and on further investigation I found that a "papillon noir" is also an antiquated French expression for a melancholy thought, and I liked that.
For the small cluster of houses below, I took inspiration from medieval woodcuts of towns, where the whole group of buildings in enclosed within city walls, and the perspective is knowledgeably awry, with rows of houses piled simultaneously on top of and behind one another.
The moth is a Luna Moth, since it is sitting on the moon, and since they visit Nina from time to time too.
I think she likes it, and I do too... it'll be fluttering over the atlantic now, and I hope its fragile dusty wings can manage the long flight ...

It is beautiful. You captured the shimmer of the luna moth's wings beautifully. I love how you captured the glow of the moon but it does not overshadow the brillance of the moth.
such thoughtful interpretation,
a cunning and creative way of expressing nina's vision...
you and she have done a beautiful collaboration. narrative, indeed.
now if i were to imagine a clock for me, what would i want it to say...?
i love everything about this! the moon, the carefully chosen words, and the lovely red rooftops.
i'm sure Nina will be thrilled.
This is another fabulous clock, Rima! I love that the man in the moon is smoking a pipe and the pipe smoke is on one side and the chimney smoke on the other. It's wonderful how you combined all of her requests!
What fun and what's next! I love this serial clock adventure that you being your readers on. Have you worn your brush out again yet?
Another clock Rima! Wonderful I love the face of the man in the moon and his smoking pipe! And the luminosity of the moon and the moth's wings... just beautiful. The words from the poem are just perfect too... lucky NinaI I hope it arrives safely.
You are just amazing! I love each and every clock so far.
I've always wanted to live in a little town like that...if I couldn't live in a hobbit house, of course. Beautifully done, Rima.
very beautiful, with so many layers to it. your work is amazing, as usual!
Another exquisite work, rima...I'm sure nina will be over the moon when she receives it...
Exquisite; so much depth in that circle.
Wonderful work Rima, many thanks for sharing it. I am sure it will be loved.
A beautiful clock. So lovely to have red rooftops, moon and moth as the brief and then just trust in you to create something so wonderful.
I love the quote too.
"I found that a "papillon noir" is also an antiquated French expression for a melancholy thought, and I liked that."
It is a lovely idea and thanks to you I shall remember it for when the chance arises in a story.
Oh! Is this my new favourite? Moon and moth and red rooftops? I might just be.
Rima, you are a living wonder.
Wow, what a lucky girl she is. It's a shining moony clock, a wondrous clock of red rooftops and moths. Beautiful. xx
as soon as i started reading your post i thought.....i need to send nina this post...she would LOVE this clock. imagine my surprise when i finished reading and discovered it WAS for her. i sent her an email telling her how jealous i am that she got one of your awesome clocks. your work is wonderful and i enjoy your blog so much. thanks for sharing with us.
Magnificent. Nina is such a lucky lady to be visited by both this amazing clock, and luna moths.
Absolutely stunning, Rima. I love the way you allow the texture of the wood to show through. Beautiful.
x V.
Rima, another fabulous clock ! Nina is a lucky lady.
Thank you for the "papillon noir" reference. There is a painting by Remedios Varo (do you know her work ? If not, i think you would like it.) entitled "Black Butterflies" (I THINK ; the book is residing at a friend's house at present) and in it a very sad young boy walks along a street with a huge black butterfly (that possesses an enlarged head) hovering over him.Varo was quite keen at taking an idiom and painting it literally.
Another truly magical clock in your ever expanding collection! I love visiting your clock web-site, it's so comforting, the sound, the images, so lovely.x
Absolutely lovely! Each of your clocks is beautiful. They're so different but all very you. I really love the face on the moon. Nina should be very pleased.
So lovely!!
I love the richness of this piece. Beautiful colors, wonderful texture.
Another magikal creation Rima~
Tick and tock
a magical clock.
Lovely clock, wonderful lunar melancholy with the rosy buildings, Black butterflies are melancholy thoughts I suppose, as opposed to Winston Churchill's black dog...Do you know of the Museum of Jurassic Technolog in Los Angeles, I think you would like the sensibility, it's at if you want to take a look. The section titled "Noone may ever have this knowledge again".
How wonderful, it reminds me of the James Reaves poem,
" Moths and moonshine mean to me
Magic – madness – mystery.
Witches dancing weird and wild
Mischief make for man and child.
Owls screech from woodland shades,
Moths glide through moonlit glades
Moving in dark and secret ways
Like a plotter in disguise.
Moths and moonshine mean to me
Magic – madness – mystery."
I so love your clocks - I came back to have a second look at this latest one and was suprised by a lovely new header to your blog too - it looks like it took a lot of work - it's lovely ... off to have another look ;-)
This is exquisite.
i can't wait, i can't wait, i can't WAIT!!!!! still coming back here to take peek after peek in gleeful anticipation - xxooo
Hi, I just found your blog. I am thrilled seeing your wonderful work. The clocks are amazing pieces. Very beautiful what you do.
Hug and thanks for sharing your work!
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