A BROTHER for the Button Mouse, sitting in an eggcup, playing the concertina ... and why not indeed!
Thursday, 12 June 2008
The Concertina Eggcup Song
Written by
Rima Staines
9:32 pm
Tags: concertina, drawing, eggcup, illustration, mouse
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This is magical... coming from a family that is very attached to its egg cups and soft boiled eggs... AND mice, who are so endearing, especially when drawn by you.
What a beautiful drawing! I love the shape of the nose and the twirly whirley tail!x
He is adorable, Rima! And I love the name you chose for this piece!
Happy Friday to you! :)
A mischievous sort of balance ...
What sort of songs does a mouse play?
Hi, Rima. Can't find your e-mail address. This article, in today's New York Times, made me think of you. http://www.nytimes.com/2008/06/12/garden/12puzzle.html?em&ex=1213502400&en=b1e5aa8580f5cc5f&ei=5087%0A
I can imagine you being involved in a project like this one. :)
I don't think the link printed too well. Go to www.nytimes.com and the article is titled Mystery on Fifth Avenue, in the Home & Garden section.
Love the drawing! He looks as if he's planning while he's playing!
Love your little mouse! Thanks for adding my site to your roll, I have done likewise. I look forward to my next visit. I was interested to read about your animation. I did a night class recently where we did an animated banner on Photoshop. Until then I did not know animation was possible on this software. It's all too much for my small brain to take in! So much to learn.
what a sweet little one...the eggcup grow the effect:))!!Concertina..ok,he is an italian lover:))??I really like it!
One of my favorite Rima drawing so far.
Love this drawing!!! Completely magical!
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