WELL THE LAST DAYS are approaching, not in an apocalyptic sense, though it feels rather that way. We are tearing about like loons trying to get it all done. I am spending my days up in the attic animating, scrunched up into a crooked S shape, only knowing the weather changes by pattering or lack of it on the roof by my ear. Tui meanwhile has been rising at bird dawn to rush round to the dingy old garage and put all the final flourishes to his masterpiece of a truck-home. The cupboard doors are a marvel, and there are hinges and catches and little hinged shelf ledges. We have a fully plumbed in brass pump tap which makes the most interesting graunching noise as it delivers water, and all the gaps round the doors have been closed in with artistic knotted lintels and edges. I have taken the odd break from move-clicking my paper characters to make a curtain from an old pair of well-loved trousers and a brown-dyed decorators' dust cloth.

Today, by candlelight, I tiled the small area of wall behind the fire with terracotta floor tiles to stop the wood getting too hot when the fire is alight. Tui's hands are all a-blister from days and days with a screwdriver, and we are panicking about all the last minute things that need doing as a cold wet cloud creature sits plumply ontop of our village making all tasks much more difficult than we'd like. In our back pockets, we keep a golden nugget called Thrill Of Journey; it is warm and we peep at it sometimes in between stresses. We mustn't look at it too much just now, but we mustn't forget it either.

What beautiful cupboards. I so enjoy following along with your journey. Best of luck with everything.
Wow, I'm truly knocked out by how talented you both are. I supposed being in a 'S' shape came in handy crouching down to tile behind the wooodburner... I'd love to see a pic of the old trousers curtain too! I enjoyed reading about your passage to improvement through Chinese medicine. I found an acupuncturist who was able to sort me out over a few things too and I think you will have convinced any doubters to consider it. liZZie x
What a labor of love!
Oh Rima - your Tui is so clever! I can feel your excitement brewing, and it makes me feel restless too. I wish you a happy and fulfilling journey in your beautiful home. I hope you will still find opportunities to update us from time to time!
I love the way you write. You make everything sound like the best kind of folktale. One of you many gifts.
Bon Voyage, on your way.
I have been secretly watching your blog for quite some time, and I must now say I am enchanted by your work. And I LOVE those cupboards, and I love the whole housetrailer, it has just so warm and cozy feeling! I kind of envy you, although I don't think I could ever manage in so small quarters for lon LOL. I will be watching your trip closely, and I wish you good luck and have a pleasant drive, where ever it may take you! (I linked to your blog a while ago in mine, hope it's ok.)
Amazing; you are setting off on such a journey. What a great wide first step, with such cozy quarter.
It's all looking ship shape,how lovely!
Such activity. It's wonderful to feel the excitement you have for this journey you're about to take.
Hello there, I've been reading your beautiful blog for a few months, and I just wanted to say how much I love following along on your adventure...it's like stepping into a fairytale.
that little nugget will serve you well,
now as you hold breath for departure,
and later when stones and annoying circumstances make the road bumpy.
it is approaching!
hold on tight,
to your patience,
that golden nugget,
and each other.
Oh Rima! Your housetruck is so wonderful, I can hardly wait to see photos of it completed (as if such a thing is ever completed, like all homes it will most certainly accumulate more depth and detail with every year). I especially enjoy seeing the new photos of it just before I head off to sleep, with the tantalizing though of inspired gypsy housetruck dreams that may await me. Someday I will build my own vardo-inspired house-trailer, and until then I am so very pleased to have glimpses of your home on wheels to clutch at with eager fingers. Sending lots of love from the goblins and I!
Your blog is absolutely transfixing! I visit it frequently. Thank you SO MUCH for sharing all these fascinating and wondrously beautiful things.
Work of art, the truck !!!! Best wishes for getting all ready and finally leaving the the great rain cloud.
That is indeed an interior to be proud of! What will Tui do when it's all finished?! ;)
Things are really looking good over there~ Your hard work and inspired dedication, mixed with your extraordinary craftsmanship and obvious LOVE for the journey are a fabulous recipe for "Wheeled Houses"
I think you might have a few Gnomes and Faeries joining you, heading out of the rain and into those enchanted cupboard spaces, they look way too inviting. If I was small enough I'd be packing my things and moving in. They are perfect hobbit doors~ Nice Work Tui!!!
How kind of you, and generous with your time, to stop by my infant blog! And, very nice of you to compliment my writing. Thank you so much!
But it's YOUR writing and art and work that is so incredibly beautiful! I have so many times just gasped at the awesome (genuinely awesome) creativity and generative work you display on your blog.
And, your little house journey is SO fascinating to me. WOW!
I was reminded yesterday of Tumbleweed Houses: www.tumbleweedhouses.com. Perhaps you already know about them.
Meanwhile, what an extraordinary thing to do with life! I admire both the inspiration and the motivation to do it!
WOW Rima! You guys are really making a little world of your own, I can see you living in your own fantasy world. In the 90's, I used to live in Londojn in a Victorian house decorated in period style, William Morris wall papers, antique furnitures, etc... But this is too much! You're amazing!!!
BRAVO, with your capacity to imagin the world, you are able to build your wheelled house, your furniture and probably everything around you, it's really nice, all is nice and charmant.
Such a cosy little hobbit home on wheels.
I love it!
Happy adventuring :)
I love those finishing details. What a lovely, cozy, inviting place. Best, best wishes on your travels and adventures.
Beautiful job! Love the hinges. Good idea with the tiles- they'll warm too and not lose the heat as fast as a metal back plate. I am so excited for you- a new chapter in your life.
Utterly gorgeous, but no less then I would expect from a Rima, having seen your other cosy nook. Your nugget will pop out when you start the engine and trundle off down the road.
It's amazing how much your truck home has transformed since I first saw it. How clever you both are. Good luck on your travels and I hope you get the animation finished in time,
It all looks so lovely, cosy and homely ... lovely details and finishing touches. I'm all excited for you. It's like you're doing something we all dream of, but only you've had the courage to make real.
Take care of that nugget ;-)
-Gail X
I agree with Solvay your blog is so transfixing I'm hooked and visit often. Your Tui is so talented! You are both making such a wonderful magical travelling home, I wish every happiness in your travels!
Hugs. :)
What beautiful workmanship! You have such a talent for writing too, and I really enjoy your blog. Take care,
Lovely work, so cozy and lived in already.
Where did you get the brass pump tap?
That is coming along fantastically! My Husband is a self taught 'carpenter'...we have a dining table made out of scaffolding boards, a bed he made out of slightly knackered victorian doors & various other bits & bobs which were once floorboards!:)
There is nothing so nice as a room full of odd wood!!
Your cupboards are gorgeous!:)
Such an exciting adventure, Rima.. and with all the two of your efforts it has turned into a treasure chest house...
beautiful work...
Dear Rima,
I am new to blogging but I have stumbled upon your blog and am now enchanted, be safe and happy, and please let everyone know of your adventures!
The only thing you are missing is a beautiful Gypsie Drum Horse, but I'm betting you have many horses under the hood of your truck. God's speed!
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