A DRAWING for my Dad who has a very sore back at the moment and who told us stories when we were young of strange fellows with wheelbarrowsful of buttons ...

The Goods & Chattels Man is staggering about in my etsy shop here, if you fancy relieving him of his burden...
you are an amazing artist, rima... so pleased i found your site [thru barbara martin]
kudos to you and yours!
thx for dropping over, my new friend
Charming drawing, Rima! And do I see a bit of your father's face incorporated here? Hope he's feeling better soon!
Oh..beautiful ! It's very nice to meet you Rima. I'm discovering you through Yoli and Willow.
Your fairytale world is so enchanting and too cute !
ps: congrats for the wheeled home ! :-)
LOL I think from time to time we all feel like we are carrying the donkey instead of riding it. If humor and love help, your Dad will be feeling better when he sees this.
Genius drawing, Rima. The expression on the goat at top is my favorite.
I found your site via Yolis and I am so happy I dd...I've settled down at my desk with a cuppa tea and I am really enjoying your words and beautiful, beautiful drawings..
Do you manage to sell much on Etsy ?
I like your work but it seems quite sad ?
Bruegel is a favourite of mine - specially Hunters in the Snow.
Fabulous drawing, Rima, and a fantastic imagination. Puts me a little in mind of Durer. Will pop over to your etsy shop forthwith!
Love this drawing! I've felt like this fellow on occasion.
I have had lots of emails and comments from people entranced by The Hermitage!
Edward and I hope you're having a good day in Scotland!
Fabulous drawing Rima. I hope your Dad's back improves soon. My husband Jim suffers from a bad back, so I feel for him.
How incredibly proud of you he must be,
I love the way your mind (and drawing hand) works. :-)
Your drawing is exquisite.
To me it is reminiscent of the Brementown Musicians. I love that the goat has a fiddle at the very top of his load as, for me, it is music first, last, and always. I really love getting to see others' artwork in pencil, probably because it is my favorite medium. There seem to be a lot of artists who use it for portraits, but I am not seeing it as much in other areas. Your whimsical designs are delightful! Hope your dad feels better very soon.
beautiful drawing, which says everything
Wonderful sketch :-) especially love the donkey and the wheelbarrow full of buttons
Enelya :-)
Another beautiful drawing! Do they get better each time or do I forget how lovely the last one was?:) I love the curved handle, I can imagine just how it feels to hold.
Your van's looking good and it's as though it's come to life now there's a fire doesn't it?x
Ooooooh! I LOVE it! One of these days I'll be able to buy and buy.
Your words and images make burdens lighter.
Wooooooow!!!! Incredible blog, great work.
I love it.
I love this wonderful old man, and drawn so beautifully!
I have an award for you over at my place. I have an inkling you might not be too keen on these taggy award thingys....sorry! :( but I just had to give it to your wonderful blog.
Feel free to do whatever with it :)
Great drawing...I adore the Goat on top...and the idea of a wheelbarrow full of buttons.
Hope your Father will soon be on the mend. I know how he feels...had a bad back in the past, was cured by Pilates the dancers exercise...lot's of stretching.
A lovely image Rima, he has such a kindly face so sensitively drawn, beautiful..
Bad backs make you feel like you are carrying loads such as these*!*
Rima your wonderful nest on wheels is coming alive under your and Tui's tender care.
Hi Rima,
Your work is wonderful and your blog is so warm and inviting. Thank you for weaving such a rich tapestry of treasure and magic : )
Rima! Of all the works I've seen from you this is the one I like the most!
It reminds me of Jethro Tull's Aqualung...
Seriously, I think you should keep drawing more like this, your work acquires a wonderful dimension and your pencil technique is excelent. I really hope to see more drawings like this, maybe a book of characters one day ;-)
Also I wated to share this link with you, these people is doing something beautiful, unique and amazing:
I so love your drawing, Rima, particularly the way you capture so much character in each of the faces... they seem to tell a story of their own. Gorgeous!
Do hope your Dad's back is feeling a lot better.
This is the first time I have commented on your blog, but have followed it for a few months completely captivated in wonder... thank you so very much!
What a beautiful blog. It's like discovering a disciple of Hieronymus Bosch or Bruegel, and at the same time everything seems so fresh, refreshing and unique. Thanks for sharing!
Wow, your blog is a world unto itself! Beautiful art & fascinating stories. I'll be back when I can linger longer & absorb more of its magic!
This little masterpiece should cheer your Dad no end. You are the most brilliant artist, Rima.
amazing as always. even more amazing than always! you are a Mater !
You really are an otherworldly sprite sent to earth to entrance us with your stories and art. I love this one. Pamela Terry an Edward introduced us to you and I just get lost looking at your drawings. Simply beautiful.
Lisa & Alfie
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