Sunday 3 February 2013


Young Rima and family in my first wheeled house - a Bedford CA, en route to Europe
Young Rima in living-van window seat with toy arrangement!
WHEELS have turned in my life since before I can remember. The characters in my paintings are wheeled, their houses are wheeled; my stories are wheeled. Handcarts and wagons and caravans have always drawn my eyes, in that urgent, beautiful way a well-loved colour or a certain kind of face stands out in a crowd. Wheels call to me even louder if they have a door, a window or a chimney atop them. Something about the combination of vehicle and house sets my blood thrilling.
Travelling, I have gradually realised over the years — and more specifically, living in a house that moves — is a fundamental part of the person I am; it’s what makes my heart sing the highest, and my feet feel the rightest.

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...And so begins an article I've written about my love for the travelling life, published this month in the beautiful EarthLines Magazine. I'll not write more reflections here on my travelling-vagabonding urge, because I've mused at length in this illustrated article - Wayfaring — A Wheeled & Painted Life, and I'd love for you all to go and buy a copy of the magazine, or better still subscribe to it. Produced from a croft on the Isle of Lewis, this quarterly dedicated to the culture of nature is a wonderful thing, and comes very highly recommended. This issue, apart from being exquisitely put together, is filled with wild, thoughtful, diverse and intelligent writing on all manner of land-based subjects, and I'm delighted to be amongst such company as Robert McFarlane, Guy McPherson, Charlotte DuCann, Melanie Challenger, Sharon Blackie, Hugh Warwick, Susan Richardson and many others. (A PDF of the contents page is available here)

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Last year my Bedford TK Horsebox house was featured in the newest book from Shelter Publications - Tiny Homes. It's a beautiful book, chock-full of handbuilt, unique and unusual homes from the burgeoning Tiny House movement, where dwellings are counted as tiny when they're less than 500 square feet. Unfortunately the first printing of the book misspelled my name, but I'm told that the book has proved hugely popular and so has run into its second, correctly spelt, print run! It even came with a tiny version of Tiny Homes, small enough to fit in my hand. I was mightily honoured to be included in this book. Lloyd Kahn's books have been an incredible inspiration to alternative self-builders all over the world since the publication of Shelter back in the 1970s. There are homes on wheels, on water, in trees, in desert, mountain and city. There are even some Tiny House-dwelling friends whom I know from the internet amongst its pages, like Nikki of Click Clack Gorilla in her Bauwagen in Germany, and Keith Levy of The Flying Tortoise in New Zealand, as well as the now widely-recognised 'Hobbit House' built by Simon Dale in Wales. Here are some pages from Tiny Homes, photographed back when the sun used to shine through the windows...

This is one of those books to pore over again and again, full of pictures to make your heart sing. Here's Lloyd Kahn talking about its creation:

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Longtime followers of this blog will have accompanied me during my travelling days and watched the green lands pass by my windows. Since moving back into a house three years ago, I have felt a profound sense of loss for the half-indoor, half-outdoor life on wheels that I loved so much, which I've not really been able to write about here since. Suffice to say, that the desire to live this life has never left me, and the waysides still call to me, loud and nettling...

Rima reading in hammock, tied to truck-house in a Devon field
Washing strung from truck-house in a field in Colchester
Truck-house interior, Rima's painting desk corner
Rima stacking wood by truck-house in Kent orchard
Truck-house in Kent orchard
Truck-house in Kent woods
Truck-house interior - kitchen with woodburner, gas stove and belfast sink
Rima playing accordion by truck-house stable door
View from back door of truck-house in Devon field
Truck-house on Devon hill
Truck-house on layby in Wales (NB No Stopping sign!)
Truck-house parked up in Wales
Rima washing clothes in river
Rima selling artwork at Weird and Wonderful Wood Fair, Suffolk 2009
View from round above-cab bedroom window on Dartmoor hill
Truck-house in Lincolnshire sunset
Incense smoke escapes out the back door of truck-house in Wales
Truck-house leaves Scotland at the beginning of winter
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...which is why, after three years in a house, I am 
taking to wheels again!!
Rejoice with me as I look excitedly out of our cottage windows at what is parked in yonder field:

A beautiful 1960s Bedford RL ex auxiliary fire-service vehicle, with the smileyest face you've ever seen on a truck!

These vehicles, along with the Green Goddess fire engines which share the same chassis, were bought up in their thousands by the government during the cold war in case of nuclear disaster, and then never used. So years later they gradually got sold off to private collectors and consequently have done hardly any miles! Ours has just 7000 on the clock!
It's four wheel drive, converted to run on LPG (and not exactly easy on the petrol!); the back is solid oak with not an iota of rot in it, topped with military canvas. The interior of the cab is an unnamable shade of tawny orange, and there are boxes and compartments and hooks and ropes all over the place. The split windscreen opens, and the truck does a maximum of 45 mph! The journey home from collecting it was an adventure and a half. It's incredibly loud and slow and big. Its previous owner described it as the water buffalo of the vehicle world. It draws waves and comments from all who see it passing by, and we were exhausted and elated when we pulled into the field at last.

Now we go out with our cups of tea and sit out on the tail gate, almost as high as the trees, dripping in their winter bareness around us. And we grin to each other, dreaming of the tangible travelling days, now within our grasp. We have much building to do. Tom and I are ridiculously excited, planning and dreaming of the right spot for the woodburner, and the windows, and the kitchen, and of the wonderful days which await us on the wayfaring goosegrassed byways of our coming happy years.

Baby Rima at Bedford CA wheel


Elizabeth said...

Utterly riveting and wonderful post!
Covering so much ground --both literally and metaphorically.
How clever you are to live in such a wonderful compact way.
I used to follow your blg so much more often when we lived in Morocco.
So glad to have made contact again.
Good luck with the new abode.

Cathy Cullis said...

I am excited for you, such a brilliant and immensely rewarding time ahead. Though I am not a wheels person I am very interested indeed in the tiny homes movement as I dream of finding a tiny patch and having a tiny home of my own. The hours I have spent looking at fantastic possibilities..... well I will certainly look forward to seeing your new home on wheels as it goes through its transformations and journeys onward... best wishes always, Cathy

Charlotte said...

Oh welcome HOME. I am so excited for you and cannot wait for my vicarious travelling on your byways again.

You have made me smile and smile. Do come by for tea if you ever travel through Nottingham Way.

Sylvia said...

Rima! Wow, this is just so moving & beautiful. I was full of chills by the end, that echo of you & your mother with little you. I could smell the new grasses, the owl-flight at night. Hooray for you & Tom. xx, S

Alice said...

"living in a house that moves — is a fundamental part of the person I am; it’s what makes my heart sing the highest, and my feet feel the rightest."

Oh yes! tis true, tis true, tis TRUE!!!

I feel your excitement, because I am the very same :-)

Wishing you every happiness in your new travelling home - it looks truly wonderful!

zooms said...

I sometimes wondered if you missed the life on the open road. Your beautiful smile says it all. It is also special to get a glimpse of 'little Rima' and her family.
So happy for you and looking forward to hearing all of your future travelers' tales.x

Unknown said...

So completely happy for you... Catch the wind!

trish said...

Oh I love, love, love your new wheels. I have never lived anywhere other than a house, but being a traveler, living outdoors appeals to me greatly... I talk of it often.
The book on tiny homes looks wonderful, and Earthlines is a magazine I have been meaning to buy for ages... I will buy it!
Loving all your photos Rima (Rita! how did that happen).x

Nancy said...

I so loved your tales of the open road and the many adventures you had in your horse box. I can't wait to hear of your new exploits along the roadways again. It's always been a big dream of mine to do the same so it's so magical to hear your stories.

Heather said...

Another fascinating post - I can imagine your excitement and how much you will both enjoy fitting out your new travelling home.
All those different abodes in Tiny Homes are so intriguing and I am going to find out more about that magazine - it sounds most interesting.

the wild magnolia said...

A magical way to live. Absolutely stunning post.

Always wanted to gypsy travel. We now RV travel and it is good.

Lydia La La said...

I had lost you in the world of blogs. Ihave found you again coming from Ragged Old Blogger etc etc.
So much to read of your life's travels. What a beauty of a truck you've acquired and what fun times ahead. there'll be the typical UK driver that loves to be tailgating as you meander through the country.
Take care....

Teresa Kasner said...

Hello Rima... what a great read your blog was today! I lived aboard a sailboat for a long summer up in the San Juan Islands, and then lived in a houseboat for 5 years. I now live in a turn-of-the-century farmhouse in the Oregon countryside.. and now have a 30 foot trailer for traveling to the coast and staying there for a week at a time. I can't wait to see what you do with the interior of your new caravan!! ((hugs)), Teresa :-)

35jupe said...

i remember well the blog when you were in the truck house! I am pleased that you have found a new (and old) truck to enhouse in once again.

It is gorgeous. (I really want to do something like this myself at some point .... really, really want to!)

gz said...

It is when we travel far that we realise how little we need and how much we clutter our lives.
Enjoy your new home, travel safe.

Wayward Harper said...

Yippppppie!!! I'm so happy for you! And quite a bit jealous :P Adventures await!!

Hussam Elsherif said...

I'm so happy that wheels have rolled your way once again for I know how much you love them. I'm smiling ear to ear, cheering, clapping and looking forward to new stories of your days on wheels.

Anonymous said...

Your beaming face in that second to last photo says it all!
Wishing you and Tom many wonderful, storied days and nights with your smiling Beddy. Rather like a four wheeled magic carpet...

Elderberry-Rob said...

Happy travelling! I feel a little envious! Would love to see the interior - it looks sturdy and safe, hope its warm. Betty

WOL said...

I was just telling my friend about your horse van house. She's really into tiny houses. How exciting that you are going to be hitting the road again!

L-A said...

Fantastic photos and very interesting post to read, .. I am off to check out the links x

Anonymous said...

What a wonderful and inspiring post, and your excitement at wheeling off again is tangible and infectious :) I still haven't met you, but hopefully one day our paths will cross xx

Maahiska said...

Oh, happy lucky you!!!! Lovely thing to be on wheels again - it's been always my dream. Safe journey!

Ronnie (RR) said...

I am so excited for you and Tom, the new lorry looks amazing. Thank you for sharing all your old photos too, what a wonderful life you have had so far, and I wish you many happy travels in the years to come. Maybe we'll meet up one day as it ravel along in my TK.

Ronnie (RR) said...

Sorry meantime to write .... As I travel along

Kerry O'Gorman said...

Well, well, well, full circle! Lovely story. Your new home will be a dream come true for you both. Funny how we can be living across an ocean but we are on the same wavelength...I just wrote about a strange handmade house on my blog as well and even have a photo of a house on wheels in there too! All the best to you on the road...spring is coming!

Anonymous said...

I missed reading about your travels and look forward excitedly to more installments.

I'm so glad for you!

Barbara Rogers said...

Several times in my life I've lived "on the road" using a converted van. Not half as romantically beautiful as your truck house, but that Chevy van could move interstate speeds. I just realized that I never see those fiberglass tops on vans any more. I'm so glad to find your blog (thanks gz) and hope to keep up with you. I think I'm past my van camping days, but then I do dream of trying it again. That wanderlust never goes away, does it?

Hermit Witch said...

Oh how exciting for you! I wish you much joy on your travels.
How I'd love to do the same! Maybe one day...

Hola Weg said...

I'm more of a hobbit, delighting in a safe familiar burrow while reading others' tales of wanderlust and adventure, so I'm very much looking forward to more of your wanderings! Best wishes for all your new meandering.

I also spotted a snippet of SunRay Kelley in your Tiny Homes photographs - his houses are wonderful aren't they?

yew tree nights said...

HUGE congratulations to you both!! How wonderful to have the link so many amazing adventures sitting just out in the yard waiting. And what a sweet and charming truck. I am sure it will bring a lot of happiness and the most incredible sense of living out in the wide world!

Anonymous said...

Don't forget that no Bedford RL is really finished until it has a map to Doncaster on the dashboard x

Anonymous said...

Ha ha !! Rima rides again ! I am so very happy for you as Iknow how much it means to you. What a wonderful truck you've found too ! I hope she gives you and Tom a happy rambling hearth for many years to come xxx

You mean there's more??? said...

Hello Rima,

WOWS what a lovely RL - and quite rare too.

It is a home office general purpose truck nearly all of which are pre the facelift and re engineering that took place in 1957. Yours has the later cab and engine - which means it has lots in common with TK's and that generation of Bedford.

When the Green Goddesses were sold I could not believe how cheap they were and bought 6. I still have 3 one of which would be a good project base for someone who wants to make a living van out of one.

I love the interior of your TK thats really creative and a lovely use of a truck

I have lots of Bedford spares here - and I mean LOADS so if you are ever stuck give me a call.

There's lots of photos of Green Goddesses in use on my blog - go and have a poke about - you might like it.


Johanna Klapper said...

Wow - wonderful! I read your blog since your last travelling days in the horsebox and LOVE it. You look so dazzling and happy in that pic, sitting in the new vehicle!
I'm a nomad myself, and we just bought a house, so it's topsy-turvy from your journey what I'm experiencing here.
If you ever plan to come to Germany, you'll have a lovely place to stay - with us on a forested hill, overlooking forested hills (a bit like Glastonbury en miniature)...
Have a great time planning and building! Bright early spring blessings and looking forward to your next news,

Anonymous said...

Thank you so much Rima! ) you waked up my inner wind. Wish you a great journey!

jen said...

what a lovely story and such emotive images! We are at last in the process of trying to buy a family camper van and I long to just pack up and sleep where the night finds us.
"I don't care a jot, cos I've got my cooking pot and the whole wide world is mine to wander through" x

Jess said...

It's beautiful and the tailgate makes it look like a home already! I enjoyed your adventures in your horsebox and I'm going to enjoy your future adventures in your new home in the making (if you're kind enough to share it here of course!) I wonder what your parents think of you inheriting 'the bug'?xx

Vicki said...

Wonderful news! Wishing you, Tom and Macha many happy wanderings :)

Willow said...

Beautiful, thank you so much for sharing.
You live the life that tugs at my heart strings!
Beautiful journeys.
Be Well

Ruthie Redden said...

Dear Rima, I am sooo excited for you, and your smile does indeed say it all. Here's the all that happy adventuring that lies ahead for you both x

Pamela Terry and Edward said...

So, so happy for you!
Wanderlust is not only a wonderful word, but a wonderful feeling.

Els said...

Oh my dear Rima, what a wonderful story ... and : the circle is round as I see in those last pics !!!
(I have that early Shelter book, and though I live in a "normal" house in a row I like to dream away in that book .... and that is all that'll ever come of it ;-) .....)

Lisa said...

Dear Rima - Thank you for your endearing and informative post. I immediately purchased the recent issue of EarthLines, and am very much looking forward to reading your article. Love seeing all the old world rustic photographs.

annelien said...

I just looooove your blog, your paintings, your stories, your pictures,... Thank you and lots of luck on your road!

Anonymous said...

so I guess you have enough teabags and ink to keep you going for a while......

Rima Staines said...

Dear friends! Thank you all for your delightful glee at our wheels and for sharing in the excitement! I am touched by all your offers of park ups and extremely interested to hear of Bedford parts! (thanks Rhys! - what's your email address?)

I'll certainly be sharing the building of the truck house as it goes along. The progress will be slow, but exciting. The inside of the back is empty at the moment, so we have a blank canvas on which to build our dreams.

This is such an intrinsic part of me, this outdoor-indoor, handbuilt, following your nose way of living, it is wonderful to be able to share it with you all, but raw too.

Which brings me to the last comment here, from someone cowardly enough to leave nasty words for me without identifying themselves.
This person appears to be implying that I have so much spare money now that we can afford to buy a truck. The absolute ridiculousness of this comment has left me hurt and speechless. I have no obligation to talk about the ins and outs of my bank balance, but this way of life is actually the only way we'll ever be able to own our own home. We earn so very little that renting is a constant struggle, let alone the impossibility of anyone ever giving us a mortgage. This truck was a bargain. This non-house dwelling life will mean we need much less money to survive. This is part of the reason we are doing it.
But all of this is beside the point. We choose this life. We don't have to justify our choices to anonymous blog commenters, but this hurt me, and so I'm answering it.
This person is obviously very bitter about something, but I'm stunned as to why they choose to throw venom at me. It makes me rethink this whole sharing my life with the internet thing. I allow anonymous comments so that people without accounts who want to leave word can do, not so that trolls can hurl mud and then run, leaving no trace.
And there's such a low appreciation of the value of art in general, I don't think people realise that most artists work for well below the minimum wage, and live at well below the poverty line. This of course, doesn't have to be such a terrible thing if you are creative and happy to live on the margins, as we are doing... but when someone makes such a barbed comment implying that an artist such as me has overflowing riches, I must respond. If anyone has a point to make, I welcome it, so long as they tell me who they are and remain kind.
Also, I've never yet deleted a single comment here (apart from the usual viagra/online gaming etc spam); though comments like these make me feel like it, I have chosen to answer them rather than delete them.

As ever, I am honoured and warmed by all the wonderful words the rest of you leave here. Thank you.


Anonymous said...

Yay Rima! Travelling again. You must be so excited. When I was young(er than I am now), I traveled often through Mexico and Central America in an old VW combi (best camping car I ever have had). I miss those days, and that freedom. Grasp it as long as you can, and I'm excited to read of your adventures.

Aoife.Troxel said...

Congratulations on the new home! It looks amazing (or it certainly will soon). I can't wait to see all that you're planning for it. You were right about the orange colour but it looks very attractive in an odd-orangey way. :)

Saskia said...

hello there, Mo Crow pointed me in your direction and I'm so glad I came to visit; what a great post on your wandering life; I love your Truck house, it is truly WonderFul. If you ever visit the Netherlands, you're welcome to come and stay in the garden; good luck and happiness on your new adventures.
(something went wrong with my first comment, so apologies if two do arrive)

Tiffany Davidson said...


I first stumbled on this blog years ago as you and Tui were creating your home on wheels! I've visited your blog ever since (and I still listen to his music!).
I am *so* happy to see you taking this path again, it suits you so well.
We are going to be building our own tiny house on wheels beginning later this year... I hope you'll be sharing photos of your and Tom's progress as you go.

All the best, as always*
x- Tiff

The old git off grid said...

Fantastic post Rima - it's so good to see you in the Tiny Homes book. Your truck dwelling days inspired me to live on wheels myself, and though we are now living in a home that doesn't move, our truck is still parked outside and loved by the many volunteers who stay in her. Your new transport looks rather marvellous, and I am more than a little jealous.

Anonymous said...


I have followed your blog intermittently for around five years now. Every now and again I come back to see what adventure you have shared and I'm always taken with the imaginative way that you write and entwine story into a narrative.

Thank you for all of your thoughts and for paintaing such a wonderful view on life. When I have my own house, I'll order one of your beautiful clocks

Lauren E-H

Acornmoon said...

Can it be three whole years since you gave up your home on wheels? How time flies! I wish you both well on your next big adventure. I do envy your freedom.

Sustainable Styling said...

How exciting. I am thrilled for you and a little envious I confess!
Being of the same struggling artist, home renting financially unviable type I love the freedom (even if it's imagined) of my lifestyle and choices. But.....although I have no desire to shackle myself to the property ladder, I do dream of home built by my own fair hands along the lines of some of these beautiful places in your post. Mine is constructed from hexes and filled with bees.
Good luck to you two and can't wait to see the progress. Much love

luffymoogan said...

Rima, you don't need to justify yourself at all. There are some sad and very bitter people out there that just can't bear to see any form of happiness. Live your life and continue to inspire us. Create your beauty. Don't let trolls dim that light one jot. They are to be pitied.

Linda said...

How Wonderful...I really enjoy your posts...can't wait to see what you do with this & the adventures you go on... :)

helen said...

Dear Rima,

in our house, we love reading your blog and the way you both live your lives.

Your little gas stove in your truck is the same as we had in our van....and we still use it in our kitchen....

We know so well too, how hard it is to live affordably, and take our very many hats off to you for doing it so creatively and with such beauty....please do not let one pleb stop you from sharing here. One pleb, spoiling it for so many, happens way too often these days.

We will follow your progress on this great new set of (wheeeee)ls with very much enjoyment...all the time looking forward to the day we will be doing the same.

helen said...

Oh! I forgot to ask! Do you remember where in Wales you were in those two photos?

Mel said...

Dear Rima,
I don't know if you've come across this person before, but she writes a blog about living on a Wagenplatz in Germany - your new moving house made me think of her!
Also, I wanted to say thank you for writing this blog! I'm an avid reader, but not a commenter, and I think your writing's really special. There aren't many corners of the internet which are so welcoming or beautiful. I used to go to a place called Lower Shaw Farm when I was younger, and this blog reminds me of listening to stories there round a campfire on summer evenings.
Also, it's so encouraging to know that somewhere out there, people are doing the things I'd love to do one day! It's possible!
All the best from Scotland,
mel x

cloudgathererholdmedown said...

you make my heart and feet restless for for an abundance of green and blue

Linda said...

I have followed your blog for years and can't wait to read about your new adventures on the road. As for the anonymous nasty comment, delete it just as you would whisk away dust from a shiny red apple. There is no need to let it spoil the feast for those who eagerly come to table. I've deleted the occasional nasty comment because they spoil the mood of my blog. It's empowering and feels amazingly good to banish negativity.

ramona said...

Utterly fascinating post Rima! I loved every photo and every word.
I'm touched by your generosity and willingness to share so much of yourself into your incredible blog.

So happy you've decided to take to the road again. I have enjoyed so very much your tales of travel in the past and smile as you look forward to new adventures.

The last photo grabbed at my heart as I looked into the beautiful face of your mother and saw you there.

Blessings on your way dear Rima.

Frau Wien said...

Dear Rima! I love your Blog and this post about your new home! Wow!!! I'm looking forward to read and see more photos about your new life on the road. Have a great time out there! Meike ♥

Anonymous said...

I have read your posts off and on, usually via Twitter links. I am so glad I came across this post and I think you are courageous in how you live and how you express yourself. I often forget I moved to Norway just a couple of months after meeting the man I was supposed to be with, so I forget I can do courageous things too, until I read words like yours, which make me think of possibilities to come.
And good for you for addressing the silly person's comments, and for being open in how it hurt you. You are human and deserve to be treated with love and respect, much as they would doubtless hope to be treated.

Anonymous said...

Hi Rima

Congratulations on finding your new home-on-wheels! I hope you'll bring her over on the ferry to Spain some time.

My first proper home (that was _mine_) was a narrowboat. Mind you I only lived there for six months and didn't get around to fitting an engine, so the only journey I made in her was a couple of hundred yards down the cut, towing her by hand.

Will you be posting some of the sketches you mention for the redesign of the interior?

take care


zooms said...

thank you for this, another wonderful post Rima,'ink and teabags' obviously loves and misses you and are not able to embrace your 'now' happiness without your dependance on them, no worries sweet heart, they just haven't learned yet to be happy for the people who we have met in our lives and move on xxx

Representative said...

Honestly, as wonderful as your house was, I almost counted the days before you went back. :) I'm thrilled. I'm very happy for you.

I think I lived vicariously through you before, sort of, and now we have wheels also. Nothing fancy, but we have freedom now, and a great beginning.

Because I'm not a great artist or any sort of writer, I seldom comment, so while I am leaving a comment here I'd like to tell you that I love your blog. You have wonderful photos and I love the way you write. Your site is "cozy" and I find that every time I visit I go back and look through older posts and articles and through your galleries and sometimes spend an hour or two just absorbing your warmth and the amazing colors! I have to say, I adore your artwork. You're certainly among my favorite artists.

The Flying Tortoise said...

I'm rejoicing with you Rima. I love those old TKs. I learned to drive them when I was in my 20's, funny you know, so many people have said exactly that to me.
It will be another wonderful housetruck. I'd get one if I could.
Hugs and best wishes.

Anonymous said...

your illustration couldn't be any better: wondrous, and filled with beloved meaning. am envious of your lifestyle, coveting a worthwhile trip to england countryside. always good to hear from wonderful you!

Mokihana Calizar said...

I'm smilin' at you dear girl from the woods where our wheels root sending you grand wishes of cheer for your continuing ride!

Anonymous said...

Your blog never fails to reconnect me with the most important things in life and is such a joy to read and see. I am so appreciative of it and so delighted that you have got some new wheels!

Never tire of the road..

With love,


Anonymous said...

Wonderful post. That is a beautiful truck you have now. I wish you all the best on the build and on the road.


Arvi said...

Hello Rima,
Just a quick hello to let you know how much I've enjoyed your words and photos. Oh so beautiful and inspiring indeed. Thank you for sharing. I found you on "A Gathering of Kindred Souls Looking to live off the Grid"...always a pleasure to find such lovely posts on that link.

I live in Guelph, Ontario, Canada!!!! It's a great small city with like minded individuals looking and yearning for a way of life, much like yours.

Keep up the great work...looking forward to reading your new and exciting journey.

With light and honour,