GREETINGS from amid the paintbrushes! I grow industiouser and industriouser this month, with many lovely commissions to complete and work to prepare for exhibitions hither and thither. There doesn't seem to be quite enough time to get it all done, but deadlines always add the extra nudge of fear necessary for this particular last minute artist to complete her work on time.
There's something about April it seems which makes us get out our dusting cloths and our mouldering motivations and fling all that thought it could still crouch by the winter fire out onto the sunny doorstep and into spring busyness.
March madness and the whiff of Wonderland about has meant that many Alice-themed things have been going on of late. I am delighted to announce that I will be contributing this just-completed Mad Hatter Clock to an Alice In Wonderland exhibition beginning on April the 18th at the wonder-ful Imagine Gallery in Suffolk where I exhibited work last year. My clock will be in excellent company indeed, as it is to be sharing wall space with my friend the immensely talented artist/paper automata maker Lindsey Carr, and the writer/illustrator extraordinaire Jackie Morris who also happens to own one of my early Once Upon O'Clocks. There will be ceramics, masks, paintings, photography, Arthur Rackham and Mabel Lucie Attwell prints and goodness-know-what-else. But I am most excited of all that John Foley the gallery owner has managed to procure for our delight the actual original seven-years-in-the-making Alice In Wonderland painting by Bulgarian illustrator Iassen Ghiuselev, whose book I wrote about some time ago. I can't wait to peer at the brush strokes and marvel up close at his Bruegel/Escher-like gouache-on-wood Wonderland.

Anyway, here for those of you who can't make it to Suffolk, is The Mad Hatter Clock. He peers with more than a hint of lunacy into his cup of tea. And in the tea his own gravestone-toothed grin is reflected back at him past the ticking hands of a backwards-clock. And all around, against a checkerboard background wind words from the tale:
"you wouldn't talk about wasting it. It's him."

The Number 13, an escapee from the clock face perhaps, sits in place of the usual 10/6 hat price.
This is larger than my clocks usually are, though not as large as last year's. I don't know what the wood is, it was kindly sent to me in the post by my friend Sarah.
Hollowing out the backs of these clocks has become a blister-inducing job and a half, and takes even longer when the clock spindle is shorter (as is the case with reverse movements). And so I was very pleased with these drill attachments (picture below, top right), a birthday gift from my brother. Forstner bits they're called, they drill flat bottomed holes and make my clockmaking life much easier!
Here below are some snippets from the clockmaking and painting progress, do click to enlarge:

Wonderland lends itself to oddness in perspective I think, and I enjoyed playing with strange proportions, diminishing words and slightly untrue checks to add to the sense of nuttiness.
And here it is finished, on a sunny afternoon bench, ticking away the hours:
You may notice the first instance of a second hand in one of my Once Upon O'Clocks, which I like very much.. it is nice to see it moving anticlockwise around the Hatter's cuppa.

Here are a few more close-ups of the distressed paint surface ...
And a mad green stare...

As well as exhibitions, with spring come fairs.. May fairs and Wood fairs. Over there on the right (up a bit... yes, there) ---> I have pinned a few fliers for the Things My Work Will Be At over the next month or two, so do come along if you are in the areas.

And so I return to the painting table, where numerous pieces of primed hardboard, hand milled watercolour paper and wood await me... Time is Ticking! But which way?

rima,ı like it sooo much really.congr.nihan.:)
Rima its lovely. I love your art, its food for the eyes.
Debie xxxxxxxx
He's wonderful!
And quite mad, isn't he?
What a great mad hatter! I've said this before, but I love all the details you put into your work.
His eyes say it all ......and I am strangely drawn in ....WONDERful....Lorna
Your attention to detail is truly magnificent.
I love your colors and your characterizations. You have a gift for bringing things to life. I can almost smell the tea! Wonderful.
Love this mad hatter clock. Time seems to be spinning to quickly into the future, perhaps I should buy this backward clock to make it slow down a bit...does it work that way?
Wishing you much good fortune with all of your gallery exhibits and festivals and fairs. Wish that I were close by so that I could come and see your lovely work up close.
So happy that you are busy with lots of work to do and enjoying the beautiful spring weather.
Gorgeous, if slightly more unnerving than most of your creations. The skill involved amazes me. Good luck with your exhibitions.
Rima, this is fantastic! So clever!
I love this clock! Good luck with your show.
I am so hoping we will see a book from you someday. I will be first in line to buy it.
I surely needed your beautiful post today - thank you for it ~.~
More magic and what a wonderful image! I love the look of it, the feel of it, but most of all I love the backwards concept of time not in reverse, just doing what Einstein would have enjoyed without a doubt. It is absolutely stunning. Then again, all of your works are. We simply treasured our clock from the moment we opened the parcel and still take time to be in awe of the details when we hold it. Be well, take care of yourself, and enjoy Spring.
Wonderful clock, the way the Mad Hatter's one little curl stands out like that. I like the idea of the 13 running away from the clock face. An extra hour that we might someday get back - if it will only come home. You are industrious and I'd better get busy too!
What a totally nutty, mad backwards clock! It's beautiful of course. My big son lives not that far from Long Melford. I'll give him the nod and I expect he'll come with his wife and 2 children! He's called Jason and is BIG!! I wish I was over at that time. Do you know how long the exhibition is on for??
This is gorgeous! Again!!!
I love your work, your words (even if it is hard for me to understand everything, I'm frenchspeaking).
I am alway happy to receive news from you,
Monique Quebec, Canada
Sorry I did something wrong,
I just want to say that this clock is gorgeous. I love your work, your words even if sometimes it's hard for me to understand (I am frenchspeaking).
the face is exquisite!
a widdershins clock! how wonderful!
Utterly gorgeous and expressive. Love it!
Hello Rima
You have had such fun with the perspective, you have made us all look and look again at your Mad Hatter, I hope to be off to Long Melford next week or so to see him in the flesh so to speak.
It sounds as if you are being very industrious at the moment and enjoying every minute.
Enjoy this bright beautiful day.
~ Julie
Completely perfect and apt Rima! The earthy colours are wonderful.
Wish I could visit the show but can't so only wish that it goes well for you!
And to view Ghiuselev's painting up-close, what a thing!
Wonderful reinvention of the character, but still capturing the spirit of the original. I like the bird's eye perspective and the way he offers up time in his tea. So nicely done. Sorry that I am too much here to be there and will miss the exhibit. Hope it is a grand success.
Awesome as always :)
Another wonderful clock Rima - the sense of 3D is marvellous and the way you play with scale. I love the lettering too. So glad your work is in such demand but not at all surprised. Don't work too hard will you? The Suffolk exhibition sounds very appealing and will attract lots of interest I'm sure.
It's excellent - so witty :0) I love the mad eye. You know it's just a little bit unsettling which is exactly as it should be. Best of luck with the exhibition - hope to see you soon !!
What a wonderful clock: I love that time appears to be moving backwards, adn that his eyes, whilst clearly mad, are also kind. I'd like to know him better.
Well done!
Wonderful Rima, another masterpiece! If only I could get time to go backwards, just for a little...or at least a little slower! But I'd probably just spend all that extra time day-dreaming. I'm much better with a deadline too, I procrastinate too much without one!
Love him Rima, he practically jumps out at you with his barmy-stare!!
I think I may be in love. I couldn't imagine this any other way.
My husband has an Einsteinian "time is relative" watch with only a few numbers around the rim: 2ish, 5ish, etc. You have topped his watch with your backwards-time clock! Perfect take on the wonderland story with the tea and that quote. You have an enchanted mind! xo Kari
It is always a thrill when I see "The Hermitage" in my inbox because it means a few moments of wonder and excitement at seeing what new and wonderful ideas are crossing your mind. The images stay with me all day when I've looked at your site, popping in and out of my day, adding magic and wonder to the ordinary. Thank you. Emily
i love this clock!!!
Great clock Rima. I hope the exhibitions go well this Spring.
Wowzers, Rima, what a marvellous man!
Hope you have fun with the rest of your spring-tide work.
A wonderous creation! A clock that can appear to be running backwards...I enjoy seeing what new thing that you are making when I see a new episode of "The Hermitage". It keeps me inspired to see your progress...good luck on your exhibition!
incredible! what stories i feel this clocks tells. love it!
Please make toys! You know... like some Indonesian shadowpuppet thing that just keeps looping round and round. The world would be a much better place.
Very interesting works, really wonderful
Such a shame that I won't be able to attend the exhibition, since I want to see your work personally. Anyway, I really love it! Especially the concept of your work, aesthetical at the same time functional. :) are so incredibly talented!!! if i could paint like you it is all i would do! just wonderful!!!
Oh my lord! Your brilliance has no end. I come here to find inspiration and leave with a heart full of joy and my brain ready to explode from the wonder of these amazing creations. I am so affected by your art.
Oh Rima, you have outdone yourself! And what a wonderfully mad gleam that is to his eye! He is Marvelous.
Nothing like that feeling of things lined up and ready to go. Even, or maybe especially, when there is a bit of pressure!
Happy painting! C x
Rima this clock is expectacular. Will you be selling it? Also, can will you be making one of the Red Queen? I would love to purchase one if you do.
Wow...that clock is amazing! I love his eyes and the perspective of him lifting a cup of tea...very cool!!
The new clock is wonderful! I wish you and all the other exhibitors a good opening with great sales.
Like many others, I come here often and, for me, ironically,it is a place where time stands still, a beautiful window of creativity, inspiration and possibilities. This hatter slightly unnerved me until I saw his beautiful hands and sensitive fingers!
Hi, Your art work is pretty cool, cheers from New Zealand, Marie
You are undeniably...incredibly and wondrously talented. OH My! I am mesmerized by the detail !
This blog is definitely one of the most beautiful I've seen, congratulations for the great job.
Ciao Sandro
Hello Rima!
I don't think you are able to surprise us anymore as everything you show us never fails to be beautiful and so full of creativity!
All the best for you and your work.
Simply my favorite so far. Your talent, Rima, is endless.
With Love,
Wow, you are simply amazing. This is ... just fantastical!
I love the perspective, lovely colours too!xx
That's just so lovely. I adore your work.
I've given you the "I love your blog" award :) When you have the time you can collect if here:
All the best,
Clair :)
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