whilst tending to their flock
two shepherd girls came upon a tree.
Its fruits were blackish green
with a crocodileish sheenand their baskets were as empty as can be.
So with shepherdess bravadothey picked an avocado
that was growing just behind the number three,
then in the yellow air
this fruit collecting pair
ate twenty avocados for their tea.
And with this silly rhyme, I present
Once Upon O'Clock number seven. There has been a too-long gap between the previous one and this, but, well, what with moving into a house on wheels and one thing and another, the months have passed clockless. The waiting list is ticking away there, at the back of my mind .. and I long to have more hours in the days. This particular creation is for a second cousin of mine who lives in New Zealand. She placed an order way back in the beginning of my clockmaking days for three clocks, and has been exceedingly patient about the wait!
This one is a gift from her to her friend and ex-husband who grows avocados in Kenya.

It is a yellowish brownish greenish creation, with two women gathering the fruit in baskets. I don't really know what avocado trees look like, but mine had to be round for the clock face and I think I was slightly inspired by the colours in a lovely film we saw recently called
Lemon Tree. It told the tale of a Palestinian widow trying to protect her lemon grove from the Israeli defense minister who wanted the trees cut down. Actually looking now at the website.. I see a similar tree motif there, which I had not seen when painting this clock!

Anyhow, it is nice to continue my clockmaking. I feel so busy with lots of lovely little jobs and lovely big jobs to fit in around the ever growing clock list...
And I shall not moan on about the fact that we are still living outside the blimmin' garage. I shall keep painting, and cross fingers for being gone from here in a day or two. Meanwhile perhaps I will eat an avocado, cut in half with a little lemon juice and a tiny pinch of salt....