Saturday 3 November 2012

Bird People

God Learns
watercolour & pencil
© Rima Staines 2012

BIRD PEOPLE have been walking about on my sketchbooks lately... leaving behind their strange pencil feathers and chimeric avian footprints between other sketches for work.

The piece above ~ God Learns ~ in watercolour and pencil, was done for my Dad, and I liked it so much I decided to make prints. The wonderful quote is by Rainer Maria Rilke and translated by Robert Bly.

Here below is a little painting I did during Open Studios, in between visitors and cups of tea. It's called ~ We Are A Bird ~ and is also made with watercolour and pencil. 

These two, along with many other works, are available to purchase in my etsy shop (where between now and Christmas, you'll get a free print with every order!).
I'm planning and painting greetings cards at the moment and wondering about making either or both of these into cards too, what do you think?

We Are A Bird
watercolour & pencil
© Rima Staines 2012


  1. I love the top one, especially her "people-toed" feet and the way you did stars and birds with negative space in the background. I hope you do make prints of it, because I would want one. I have my eye on some prints you already have up, trying to accumulate funding for same. Sigh!

  2. It has been so many months since I have had time to read blogs, much longer since I actually posted to my own. I started reading today with one of my very favorites...yours! You never fail to intrigue me with your tales, your art, your loves, your life. The birds are lovely. Going now to check them out on Etsy. Then back again to see what other spoonful off the top of the soup you have offered up for our enjoyment!

  3. Very gorgeous. I would love to see these on your holiday cards. I am waiting with bated breath until those come up as my friends love your artwork.

  4. i think 'we are a bird' would make a lovely card with its festive colors. but i cannot wait for the cards to come out to send them to everyone!

  5. They are lovely Rima and would make excellent cards

  6. Your drawings and paintings are always wonderful and I think any of them would make cards.
    I'm sure your Dad loves his 'bird person'.

  7. such great paintings! wonderful.

  8. They are such wonderful paintings Rima.... your work is fascinating.x

  9. These are just lovely.
    And would make wonderful cards indeed!

  10. I love your style, it's very warm and friendly, if that makes sense.

    Do you have an etsy shop? I'll gladly add you to my circle :)

  11. I would especially love "We are a Bird" as a greeting card! The colors are amazing.

  12. Well, I'm very pleased to hear you'll be putting out holiday greeting cards! I loved your pine tree drawing.

    Take care1 Hope all's well. I've just gotten internet after being without for over a year! I'm off to peruse .... :)

    x- Tiff

  13. Love your drawings :-) You are a very talented artist!

  14. I'm amazed in your arts, I find myself staring at your arts for about 30 minutes. They are very unique.


Hello lovely people who feel to leave words here...
I am always so chuffed to read what you all have to say and read every single word with a smile :)
Thank you for your encouragements and thoughts....