Wednesday 2 July 2008

Rain, rain & little bits of news

BEYOND THE WINDOWPANES the rain falls and falls and the skies are neverendingly leaden. Indoors I am busying away on a new and exciting little idea, which I shall be telling soon. And we wait and wait for news that the broken Bedford starter motor has been fixed, until then we are stranded in the hills eating baked beans on ryvita! In the mean time I am happy to announce that little bits of my work can be glimpsed in various corners ...

Firstly, I am taking part in the fabulous PikaPackage Project, organised beautifully by Amy of Pikaland who has made it her mission to celebrate all things illustrated. A PikaPackage is a monthly collection of collections of illustrated things donated by illustrators from far and wide, all put together carefully with a lovely little Pikaland magazine featuring the participants and their work. Soon you'll be able to get your hands on these July editions here. And see my humble little contribution here.

Secondly, I am happy to announce that my first ever animation The Woods for Polly Paulusma's single on One Little Indian records in 2007 is to be shown at the Hebden Bridge Fringe Festival on this Saturday the 5th of July in the evening. Here are the exact details if any of you are in the vicinity and should like to pop along, which we would have been doing had the starter motor not abandoned us. For those of you too far afield to visit the film festival, and who haven't seen the animation, here it is again, only very small!

If you are having trouble viewing the film, click here.


  1. Love the animation! The badger and fox part is awfully fine and I like the way the children move nervously as the animals circle their hole. It is all very evocative. Sorry you can't be at the Festival, I'm sorry I can't be at the Festival...hmmm beans and ryvita, where is that stater?

  2. Great work! That song was perfect for an animation. I am glad I found your blog - you are very inspiring to me. Somehow my muse has been reawakened, this place must be magical :)

  3. I love the idea of those PikaPackages. Your inclusions will be treasured I'm sure.

    And again, your animation is magical and wonderful. How fun to be showing that at the festival (and how lucky the people who are there to view it!)

  4. Super Genius. Sublime. I love what you've made.

  5. Rima, I'm the one who is honored that you find the project worthy of your works. They are simply too beautiful for words!


  6. I just stumbled onto this site. Your animation is magical, celestial.

    Am adding your site to my blogroll if that's okay.

  7. Sad but sweet. A tiny bit like Hansel and Gretel. I like the way your drawings are like little happy fairy tales but sad at the same time. With those two mixed together you always get a warm feeling inside. I also like the way they're always in shadow because other people have theirs nice and clear but no not yours, yours are filled with shadow which makes them mysterious but happy.

    From Fionnabhair age 10, Ireland.

  8. Oh Rima. This is so beautiful. Made me shiver and smile. Thank you for bringing such wondrous magic alive and thank you for sharing it with us. And such a beautiful song. What a perfect combination.

    As you can see, it had a big effect on my daughter Finn (see above). She's gone off to bed with an old book of fairy tales tucked under her arm!

  9. It's absolutely beautiful!

  10. Rima you have done a mighty fine job!!! Congrats on having your animation shown.. it will blown them away !!! What an illustrator/artist you are!!!


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